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Our Journey Online

Real quick.

This is where I give you a quick back story. We quit our jobs in 2016 and embarked on a journey that has and continues to transform us. We started our own business, began to wholeheartedly seek God and began prioritizing the time we spend with our family.

We are not the model family of people who get it right all the time, but we want to share our life in hopes that our story will benefit at least one. This is Our Journey Online.


Our Business

We are the proud founders of Ronen Solutions. We provide IT services to businesses and individuals that work from home. We started Ronen Solutions because we noticed a need for honest IT consultants with real working knowledge of our techy world. Our communities and families rely on technology more and more every day and that should not be a reason to take advantage of people pockets. We are an IT company that genuinely cares about our clients success and tech needs.